Dug Campbell

Glenn Greenwald: Why Privacy Matters

As we approach the end of 2014, a year in which privacy, surveillance and data protection continue to be ever-present themes below the surface of every Bitcoin conference and talk that I’ve been to, I’m finally now getting around to reading ‘The Snowden Files: The Inside Story of the World’s Most Wanted Man‘.

As we all know, regardless of your views, it’s an astonishing story. I’ll be sharing my thoughts on various aspects of the story more fully on this blog in the future – but in the meantime, here’s a recent TED talk given by Glenn Greenwald, one of the key journalists that broke the Snowden story eighteen months or so ago. If you’ve ever struggled with any variation of the “only people with something to hide crave privacy from surveillance” line of thinking, you’ll find it useful I think.

Greenwald quotes Rosa Luxembourg: “He who does not move does not notice his chains”.

How true.